Worksheet of Subject Verb Agreement for Grade 6

Subject-verb agreement is an important grammatical concept that children learn in grade 6. It is essential for them to understand how to match the subject and verb in a sentence in terms of person and number to create grammatically correct sentences. To help students learn and practice subject-verb agreement, teachers can use a worksheet that includes a range of exercises to reinforce the concept.

The worksheet should be designed in a way that enables students to practice subject-verb agreement with simple, compound, and complex sentences. The exercises should also encompass different tenses, including present, past, and future, to provide a well-rounded foundation of the subject.

To begin the worksheet, teachers can introduce the concept of subject-verb agreement using a simple sentence structure. For instance, “The cat jumps over the fence.” Here, it is crucial to identify the subject, in this case, “cat,” and then ensure that the verb, “jumps,” agrees with it in both person and number. The worksheet can then include a range of exercises starting from simple to complex sentences where students have to identify the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

Teachers can also include exercises that focus on more challenging subject-verb agreement rules, such as collective nouns, indefinite pronouns, and inverted sentences. Collective nouns such as “team” and “family” are singular in form but plural in meaning. For instance, “The team is playing well” and “The family enjoys spending time together.” In indefinite pronouns like “everyone” and “nobody,” the verb should agree with the third-person singular form. For instance, “Everyone is here” and “Nobody knows the answer.” Inverted sentences refer to sentences where the verb comes before the subject, requiring students to identify the subject before choosing the right verb form.

Another essential aspect to cover in the worksheet is the consistency of the verb tense. For example, it is important to use the same tense throughout a sentence to avoid confusion. For instance, “She washed the dishes, and then she takes out the trash” is grammatically incorrect. Instead, it should be “She washed the dishes and then took out the trash.”

In conclusion, a comprehensive worksheet on subject-verb agreement for grade 6 should include a range of exercises that cover different sentence structures, tenses, and subject-verb agreement rules. It is essential for students to develop a strong foundation in this concept to help them write and speak English accurately and effectively. By using this worksheet, teachers can ensure that their students have a solid understanding of subject-verb agreement, which they can build upon in future grades.