Practical Law Sponsorship Agreement

A Practical Guide to Reviewing a Law Sponsorship Agreement

Sponsorship agreements are a vital tool in the world of law. These agreements are used by law firms and other legal entities to sponsor events, conferences, and other activities. Sponsors use these agreements to promote their brand and business interests, while the sponsored parties benefit from financial support and networking opportunities.

As a professional, it is important to understand the legal and business implications of a sponsorship agreement. Below are some key points to keep in mind when reviewing a law sponsorship agreement.

1. Understand the Sponsorship Obligations

The first step in reviewing a law sponsorship agreement is to understand the obligations of the sponsor. These obligations may include financial contributions, marketing and promotional activities, and the provision of goods and services. It is important to review the agreement to ensure that the sponsor is meeting its obligations and that the sponsored party is receiving the benefits promised.

2. Review the Intellectual Property Provisions

Sponsorship agreements may include provisions relating to the use of intellectual property, such as trademarks and logos. It is important to review these provisions to ensure that the sponsor is not infringing on any existing intellectual property rights. It is also important to ensure that the sponsored party is permitted to use the sponsor`s intellectual property for the purposes of the sponsorship agreement.

3. Consider the Termination and Renewal Provisions

Sponsorship agreements may include provisions relating to termination or renewal. These provisions may include the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated, the notice required for termination, and the conditions for renewal. It is important to review these provisions to ensure that the sponsorship agreement can be terminated or renewed in a fair and transparent manner.

4. Evaluate the Liability and Indemnification Provisions

Sponsorship agreements may include provisions relating to liability and indemnification. These provisions may outline the responsibilities of each party in the event of a dispute or legal action. It is important to review these provisions to ensure that each party is protected from liability to the fullest extent possible.

5. Confirm the Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations

Finally, it is important to review the sponsorship agreement to ensure that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This may include local, state, and federal laws and regulations, as well as industry-specific guidelines and standards. It is important to ensure that the sponsorship agreement does not violate any laws or regulations that could expose the parties to legal liability.


A law sponsorship agreement can be a valuable tool for both sponsors and sponsored parties. As a professional, it is important to understand the legal and business implications of these agreements. By reviewing the sponsorship agreement for sponsorship obligations, intellectual property provisions, termination and renewal provisions, liability and indemnification provisions, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, you can ensure that the agreement protects the interests of both parties.