Fema Programmatic Agreements

FEMA Programmatic Agreements: What You Need to Know

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) plays a critical role in helping communities prepare for and recover from disasters. One way FEMA accomplishes this is through programmatic agreements, which are agreements with federal and state agencies that streamline the environmental and historic preservation review process for FEMA-funded projects.

If you work in emergency management, disaster recovery, or infrastructure development, it`s important to understand what FEMA programmatic agreements are and how they can benefit your community.

What are FEMA Programmatic Agreements?

Simply put, FEMA programmatic agreements are agreements between FEMA and other federal or state agencies that allow for expedited environmental and historic preservation reviews for FEMA-funded projects. These agreements are designed to streamline the process and reduce delays in disaster recovery efforts.

FEMA programmatic agreements typically cover a specific type of project, such as debris removal or infrastructure repair, and establish guidelines for how environmental and historic preservation reviews will be conducted. By following these guidelines, FEMA and its partner agencies can ensure that critical infrastructure projects are completed in a timely and efficient manner, while still protecting important natural and cultural resources.

Why are Programmatic Agreements Important?

Programmatic agreements are important for a number of reasons:

1. They expedite the review process: By establishing clear guidelines for environmental and historic preservation reviews, programmatic agreements can help speed up the review process and reduce delays in disaster recovery efforts. This is critical when time is of the essence in responding to a disaster.

2. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations: Even in the midst of a disaster, it`s important to protect our natural and cultural resources. Programmatic agreements help ensure that FEMA-funded projects comply with federal and state laws and regulations related to environmental and historic preservation.

3. They promote communication and collaboration: Programmatic agreements require collaboration between FEMA and other federal and state agencies. This communication and collaboration can lead to more streamlined and effective disaster recovery efforts.

Types of FEMA Programmatic Agreements

FEMA programmatic agreements are tailored to specific types of projects. Some common types of programmatic agreements include:

1. Debris removal: This agreement covers the removal and disposal of debris resulting from a disaster.

2. Emergency protective measures: This agreement covers activities that protect public health and safety, such as search and rescue operations, emergency shelters, and water and food distribution.

3. Infrastructure repair and replacement: This agreement covers repairs or replacement of critical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and water treatment facilities.

4. Hazard mitigation: This agreement covers projects that aim to reduce the risk of future disasters, such as flood control measures and retrofitting buildings to withstand earthquakes.


FEMA programmatic agreements are an important tool in disaster recovery efforts. By streamlining the environmental and historic preservation review process, these agreements can help speed up the completion of critical infrastructure projects while still protecting our natural and cultural resources. If you work in emergency management, disaster recovery, or infrastructure development, it`s important to understand what programmatic agreements are and how they can benefit your community.